Our vision

The path into the Swedish labour market is sometimes unnecessarily difficult. In a labour market where every other company recruits through contacts, a professional network is often crucial. It creates a gap between established and foreign-born Swedes. 

Yrkesdörren is an integration initiative that through meetings wants to bridge that gap and shorten foregin-borns path into the Swedish labour market. These meetings contribute to a mutual exchange of knowledge and experience that broadens networks. For the foreign-born, a meeting also means an opportunity to learn more about social codes, see their opportunities and increase their self-confidence in the labour market. Our vision is a labour market where people with different backgrounds and experiences find their rightful place.

Yrkesdörren is for you who want to contribute to a more inclusive society in a more concrete way. Integration is possible through relationships, and relationships are built in meetings - without you there will be no meeting, therefore you are important.


Our story

Axfoundation's mission and goal
Antonia Ax:on Johnson founded the Axfoundation in 1993. For many years, the Axfoundation focused on environmental issues, but in 2013 the foundation also began working on social sustainability and integration. This is because it is an important societal challenge that is in line with the high-level diversity goals of the companies within the Axel Johnson Group.

Deep diving in the integration world
In 2013 Axfoundation took on the task of investigating what gap they could fill, among other Swedish integration initiatives. Experts and researchers in integration were consulted and external monitoring was done to find out what was already being done in this area in Sweden and around the world, as well as which methods and models had worked best. 

Yrkesdörren is created
A major challenge that was raised for the Swedish labour market was that every other company recruits through contacts. After taking a closer look at the Canadian integration program “Connector program”, ÖppnaDörren searched for a similar model in Sweden without finding any. Thus, Yrkesdörren was created with the vision of simplifying for the public to open the door to the labour market for foreign-born through one-on-one meetings.  

A part of ÖppnaDörren
Today, Yrkesdörren is part of ÖppnaDörren, an umbrella organisation for integration initiatives that create meetings between established and foreign-born Swedes. ÖppnaDörren was started by Axfoundation in 2015 and is currently run by Axel Johnson. In autumn 2020, Yrkesdörren became part of Axelerate, Axel Johnson's initiative for inclusion and diversity. 

Contact us

Hanna Söderlund
Kommunikation & Partneransvarig

Ilhan Strömgren
Lead Developer

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