For a more inclusive labour market

Yrkesdörren matches you with a Swede in your industry for a meeting where you can get feedback on your CV, learn about social codes and get valuable advice on how best to get a job in your sector. To qualify you have to live in Sweden.

Yrkesdörren is non-profit and the service is free.

Play Video
Watch the interview with the Door Opener Ola and the Participant Tasnim, who shares their experience of the meeting through Yrkesdörren.

Why Yrkesdörren?

The path into the Swedish labor market is sometimes unnecessarily difficult. In a labor market where every other company recruits via contacts, a professional network is often crucial. It creates a gap between established and foreign-born Swedes

Yrkesdörren is an integration initiative that through meetings wants to bridge that gap and shorten foregin-borns path into the Swedish labour market. These meetings contribute to a mutual exchange of knowledge and experience that broadens networks. For the foreign-born, a meeting also means an opportunity to learn more about social codes, see their opportunities and increase their self-confidence in the labour market. Our vision is a labour market where people with different backgrounds and experiences find their rightful place. 


foreign-born are overqualified in relation to what they work with.

Source: SCB 2018


How does it work?



Register and get matched

Once you have registered, you will be matched with someone in the same industry as you. We do our best to find someone who matches your profile.



The meeting

We give a suggestion on when to meet, but you decide when, where and how. During the meeting, you can take support from our conversation guide (Swedish version) or freely talk about your common industry, skills development, how to design a CV and the like.



If you feel that there is more to talk about, you can of course continue to keep in touch afterwards - if not, you can be happy to have met a new person for a mutual exchange of knowledge and experience.

 Frequently Asked Questions

emmbers world mapCreated with Sketch.

different nationalities have shared their experiences and network through Yrkesdörren.


different nationalities have shared their experiences and networks through Yrkesdörren

emmbers world mapCreated with Sketch.