Vanliga frågor.
How does Yrkesdörren work?
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Yrkesdörren går ut på att matcha etablerade (Dörröppnare) och utrikes födda svenskar (Deltagare) med varandra för ett möte om sin gemensamma bransch. Dessa möten bidrar till ett ömsesidigt kunskaps- och erfarenhetsutbyte som breddar nätverk. För dig som Deltagare innebär ett möte också ett tillfälle att lära dig mer om sociala koder, se dina möjligheter och öka ditt självförtroende på arbetsmarknaden. Och för dig som Dörröppnare får du chansen att få en inblick i hur din bransch fungerar i ett annat land och lära känna en potentiell framtida branschkollega. Vår vision är en arbetsmarknad där människor med olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter finner sin rätta plats. Genom att registrera dig hos Yrkesdörren kommer du att matchas med en Dörröppnare/Deltagare inom samma bransch. Under en timme kommer ni sedan i ett individuellt, digitalt eller fysiskt möte, att prata om era gemensamma branscherfarenheter samt utmaningar och möjligheter. Ni kan under mötet ta hjälp av Yrkesdörrens conversation guide (Swedish version) for support and inspiration.
As a Door Opener you will meet someone from the same industry, but where the experience often is from a country other than Sweden. It is a concrete way of contributing to an increased integration and a more inclusive labour market. Many Door Openers experience that they have gained relevant knowledge, a broadened perspective, new contacts while contributing to a more inclusive society. This has also been confirmed in those cases where the Door Opener has been hesitant about whether he/she really has anything of value to offer the Participant. Our experience is that the meetings often become more rewarding than expected.
As a foreign-born, it is hard to navigate and enter the Swedish labour market. Through Yrkesdörren, you get the opportunity to meet someone in the same industry as you. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange knowledge get tips, advice and a network that can help you get a foothold into the labour market.
No, Yrkesdörren does not mediate jobs. If you are foreign-born and not established in the labour market, then Yrkesdörren is a perfect complement to your job search. Through the meeting you will receive tips, advice, knowledge and a professional network that can strengthen your position in the labour market.
Our goal is to create as many meetings as possible. We are happy to offer you more meetings if you want. The possibility of meetings depends on the amount of active users we have in our system that matches your profile. As a Participant, we will prioritize you who have not had any meetings. This is because we have many Participants registered in the system and because we want to give everybody the opportunity to meet a Door Opener.
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You do not need any specific prior knowledge to join Yrkesdörren. To join as a Door Opener at Yrkesdörren, the following points are applied:
• Du har erfarenhet inom en bransch
• You are established in the Swedish labour market
• Be able to give an hour of your time for an open-hearted conversation
To join as a Participant at Yrkesdörren, the following points are applied:
• You are foreign-born and live in Sweden
• You have completed studies and/or work experience within an industry
• You are not established in the Swedish labour market
• You should be able to conduct the meeting in Swedish or English
Unfortunately, Yrkesdörren’s service is only for people living in Sweden. If you are considering moving to Sweden, we can recommend:
• Swedish Migration Agency
• Internations
Unfortunately not. To join Yrkesdörren, you must have previous industry experience or at least completed studies within the field. Here are some tips on other organisations that also accept foreign-born students who want to meet an established Swede for guidance or to socialize and practice speaking Swedish:
• NemaProblema
• Nya Kompisbyrån
Profile information/my profile
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Har du flyttat, bytt bransch, yrke eller valt fel alternativ vid registrering? Berätta det för oss genom att logga in och uppdatera din profil så att den stämmer. Med rätt information på din profil så kan vi erbjuda dig en mer relevant matchning och möte.
Behöver du uppdatera din branscherfarenhet så kan du titta i vår branschlista här för att se vilken bransch som ligger närmast din erfarenhet.
Om du inte längre vill vara med i Yrkesdörren så kan du välja att pausa ditt engagemang eller gå ur Yrkesdörren.
That is great - congratulations! Even if you recently got a job, it's possible that you still feel the need to meet someone more established through Yrkesdörren - and you are of course allowed to do that. When you are new to the labour market, many questions can arise about how the industry works, about social codes at the workplace etc. A meeting through Yrkesdörren can help you get answers to some of your questions while you continue to build you professional network
If you have already been matched, we encourage you to carry out your meeting.
Självklart! Om du har varit registrerad hos Yrkesdörren tidigare kan du återaktivera din profil här.
Before and during your meeting
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The goal is to match you with someone who speaks the same language and has the same industry experience as you.
Sometimes you may meet someone with a profile that differs from yours. The matching has been done because we believe that your meeting can be rewarding even if you do not share the same industry. If you feel that the match was unsuccessful after the meeting, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to find you a new match.
Once we've found a match, we'll send you both an email to connect you. We'll also suggest a date when the meeting can take place, but it's entirely up to you when, where and how you meet. You can meet either physically or digitally. At physical meetings, we recommend that you meet at the Door Opener’s workplace or in a public place, such as a café.
During the meeting, you will talk about topics related to your common industry and the labour market in general. The meeting can, for example, be about suggestions for competence development, tips on how to structure a CV or cover letter and social codes that can be good to know. You are welcome to take help from our conversation guide (Swedish version)
Before the meeting, we recommend that you email each and briefly introduce yourself and describe why you have joined Yrkesdörren. Feel free to send a link to your LinkedIn profile so that you can get to know each other a little better.
Our matches are mainly based on shared industry experience. We always try to make matches as specific as possible. Depending on your work experience, some matches may be a little broader.
In those cases where the match is a bit broader, the conversation usually focuses on more general features of work and the labour market, which can often be very rewarding for those who are new to the Swedish labour market.
If it has only been a couple of days, we recommend you to take the initial contact by emailing him/her. Then you can send a text message to remind the person and refer to the email. If you still haven’t received an answer, you can either cancel the meeting through the link in the follow-up email, which you will receive a few weeks after the match has been made, or you can email our user support What we usually do is to contact and remind the other party about the match and the meeting. Sometimes it turns out that the email has ended up in the person’s spam folder, and sometimes the person’s situation has changed and he/she is no longer looking to meet someone through Yrkesdörren.
There are different reasons why you are not able to carry out your meeting. We recommend that you try to reschedule your appointment as far as possible, as it may be difficult to offer new matches.
But if you can’t or don’t want to carry out your meeting, you can cancel it through the link that you receive in the follow-up email. If you have not received the follow-up email, you can email our user support (
It is up to you and the person you have been matched with to choose where you want to have the meeting. You can meet both physically and digitally. At a physical meeting it is important to choose a place that feels comfortable for both of you, for example at the Door Opener’s workplace or a public place such as a café.
As a Door Opener, you are expected to be able to give an hour of your time for an open-hearted conversation about your common industry. The main purpose of Yrkesdörren is to broaden the professional networks for foreign-born people in order to accelerate their establishment in the labour market. You can contribute to this by sharing your personal knowledge and experience. It can, for example, be about describing your path into the industry, share tips on relevant further education or take a look at the Participant's CV and cover letter. You are not expected to be able to offer a job or take more meetings with the Participant if you do not wish to or are not able to.
After your meeting
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As the Door opener, you can:
• share tips and/or two contacts with your Participant,
• continue to meet your Participant,
• take a new meeting with a new person,
• encourage friends and colleagues to join Yrkesdörren, or
• postpone your engagement until the future.
We often have Participants waiting to meet with a Door Opener, so you are more than welcome to sign up for another meeting if you feel like it!
As the Participant,we encourage you to work further with the tips and knowledge that you have received through your meeting. You can then choose if you want to:
• continue to meet your Door Opener,
• take a new meeting with a new person,
• postpone your engagement until the future.
If you want to be matched with a new person, it may take a while because we prioritize the first meeting since there are many Participants waiting their turn to meet a Door Opener.
Thank you for your dedication! You are welcome to take more meetings through Yrkesdörren and spread the word to your friends and colleagues. In this way, Yrkesdörren can grow and create more meetings that make a difference! If you want to get involved in another way, you are welcome to contact us ( and tell us how you would like to contribute.